Zitadelle Spandau Berlin May 2019



Zitadelle Spandau 23.5– 29.5. 2019
UNRUHIG BLEIBEN/STAYING WITH THE TROUBLE Inspired by the writing of Donna Haraway 

The excess population of human beings is taken on shocking dimensions – is it time to rethink things? Inspired by Donna Haraway, Unruhig bleiben/Staying with the Trouble invites the audience to experience a collective, speculative fabulation about five generations of a symbiogenetic connection between humanity and monarch butterflies.
Five life stories between 2025 and 2425 make up this attempt to redesign the art of living together on a damaged planet.

Anne Duk Hee Jordan created for this play a set full of acting critters and a video wall bringing in the story of Camille and her symbionts: a kaleidoscope of metamorphosis between amphibians, bacteria, cannibalism, climate change, compost, landscapes, mushrooms and mating insects.
I was asked by Anne together with Pauline, to design the scenic elements for the video projections and to create the video content to be projected on.
I propose as the projection surface, a curtain made of a special material that absorbs the video projection and allows to be walked through, so that both actors and audience can interact with.

Dramaturgy: Carlos Manuel
Concept and Artworks: Anne Duk Hee Jordan
Stage Design & Video Projections: Simone Serlenga
Visual research: Pauline Doutreluingne
Sound: Neda Sanai
Technical engineer: Andreas Marckscheffel
Assistant: Michelle Se Yoon
Venue: Zitadelle Spandau
Funded by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa
